I look forward to learning about your business and to sharing ideas and solutions for moving your teams and your business to the next level. Below you will find a description of the ways we can work together in professional development and team development.
As a conference speaker and facilitator in leadership and team development topics, I am excited to also be an Authorized Partner – Everything DiSC® & The Five Behaviors® (Wiley brands). I am also a Certified Trainer – Everything DiSC.
The focus of my conference talks is typically around the importance of team members being able to utilize their innate skills and styles on a project. I often refer to one of my favorite sets of tools – Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors (Wiley brands). To provide different perspectives on team dynamics, you will also hear me using examples from working with our llamas and Connemara pony. The livestock lessons provide a way to think differently about company culture.
Everything DiSC® & The Five Behaviors® of a Cohesive Team – Authorized Partner
As an Authorized Partner – Everything DiSC® & The Five Behaviors®, you can order your materials (assessments such as a DiSC profile), books, credits, certification training) for your next team development session through me and/or ask me to facilitate at your staff retreat or conference event. (virtual or on-ground)
I’m passionate about helping you develop your teams for “future readiness.” It’s an honor to be a part of your team’s effort to evolve the culture of your organization so that it is customer focused, and so that team members, products and services are meeting customers in their points of need.
Currently, I’m doing contract work for the IDEA Center at Innovation Park, University of Notre Dame, and for Indiana University Kelley School of Business Executive Education.
I’ve also been coaching in content strategy with an innovation consultancy, and in livestreaming of content for a state-wide church organization.
Everything DiSC Solutions
Everything DiSC – Workplace (available on the Catalyst platform)
Everything DiSC – Agile EQ (available on the Catalyst platform)
Everything DiSC – Work of Leaders
Everything DiSC – 363 For Leaders
Everything DiSC – Productive Conflict
Everything DiSC – Management
Everything DiSC – Sales
Everything DiSC – Facilitator Training – Wiley online program (spans one month) to become an Accredited Facilitator (includes 3, 90-minute facilitator-led online, virtual sessions)
Everything DiSC – Essentials – for facilitators and others who are seeking deeper knowledge of Everything DiSC (takes approximately 3 hours to complete; self-guided)

To explore solutions for your team in personal or team development, or to hire me as a facilitator of your next event: https://everythingdisc.com/vickiemaris or https://fivebehaviors.com/vickiemaris
To hire me to speak or facilitate at your event
I would be delighted to speak with you about serving as the facilitator or as a speaker for your next team development session, conference, or staff retreat. Please use the Contact form to inquire. To contact me …
Idea session or coaching session
Participate in a personalized coaching or idea session (conducted via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangout). Please use the Contact form on the website to let me know how I can help you or your team. If you’re ready to book a session, please use the menu below to place your order, and I’ll follow up with you to schedule a time. To contact me …
I’m also available to facilitate your staff off-site, next retreat or other team development session. See: https://everythingdisc.com/vickiemaris or https://fivebehaviors.com/vickiemaris
Please reserve and pay for your selection using the PayPal button (below) which provides you with several options for payment.
Stay informed by joining the email list
Join the email list so that we can keep in touch. I will reach out to say hello after you join the list, and then, on approximately a biweekly basis, will keep you updated of resources that I find helpful in my own business or upcoming events and opportunities that might be a fit for your business. To add your name to the list, send an email (with or without content) to teachinspireconnect @ get response dot net. The system will automatically add you to our list when you send the email.